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Live Set Schedule

Nedlands XMAS Party

3pm 16 Dec 2023

Australia Hotel Ballina

8pm 9 Nov 2023

Lismore Show

6:45pm 21 Oct 2023

Anemoia Festival

9pm 7 Oct 2023

Lismore Quad

6pm 13 Jul 2023

Mary G's, Lismore

9pm 8 Jul 2023

Lismore Lantern Parade

3:40pm 24 Jun 2023

Lennox Hotel

10pm 9 Jun 2023

Aardvark, Lismore

9pm 8 Jun 2023

Planet Music, Lismore

5pm 8 Jun 2023

Howl & Moan Records, Byron Bay

19 May 2023

Bangalow A&I Hall

12 May 2023

Brunswick Picture House

29 Apr 2023

Aardvark, Lismore

28 Apr 2023

Hotel Metropole, Lismore

21 Apr 2023

Anemoia Festival, Lismore

4 Mar 2023

Gigs that have a strike through them are cancelled.


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